When planning to prepare files – What do you need to consider?

  • Purpose?
  • WEB? LOGO?
  • Which program?
  • Document set up
  • Resolution – Pixel dimension – 
  • 300ppi (print) 72ppi (web) 144 (high def)
  • Image size
  • Colour mode CMYK (print) RGB (screen)
  • File size -transfer
  • Knowing what files format to use is essential in file preparation so as to have a well-balanced end result. Take for instance logo can be prepared in two ways for different results i.e. the web logo and the print logo. When designing a print logo so many things are to be considered. A Designer should supply logo as vector artwork, in eps,ai,or in pdf format for print-based applications. Ideally a positive and negative version of logo should be provided so the client can use it in both light and dark backgrounds. A bitmap versions (JPEG,PNG) should be prepared as well for use on websites and social media.
  • Having adequate knowledge on what program to use is important. Take for instance when working on A.I ,SVG or EPS format the best software to use is Adobe illustrator or Indesign . Photoshop and illustrator have some things in common, but there’s one major difference that requires them to be separate products. Photoshop is a raster-based editing application, while illustrator uses vectors. Raster based editing applications use pixel to create images.
  • Both RGB and CMYK are modes for mixing color in graphic design. The RGB color mode is best for digital work, while CMYK is used for print products. But to fully optimize your design, one needs to understand the mechanisms behind each.
  • RGB(RED, GREEN,BLUE) is a color space for digital images. Use the RGB Color  mode if your design is supposed to be displayed on any kind of screen . examples are web and app design, online branding, visual contents. The best file formats for RGB are JPEGS, PSD,GIF,PNG.
  • CMYK (CYAN,MAGENTA,YELLOW,KEY/BLACK) These are the colors used for printing. CMYK is used for any project that will be printed ,not viewed on screen. CMYK should be used if the project involves Stationary, branding, stickers, posters, flyers, brochures e.t.c

FILE STORAGE – SCREENSHOT of OWN file storage (for course)


  • USB
  • External hard drive
  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • One drive i-cloud


  • To protect data – password protect
  • Keeping work portable
  • Sharing
  • Retrieval


  • Download
  • Upload to cloud
  • Team sharing


  • FNC – File naming conventions
  • Dating – 13/5//21 YYYY_MM_DD
  • NO special characters !@£$%^&*()
  • Underscore_ is ok!
  • Short logical filename
  • Back-up! Hard copy
  • CamelCase  - Project_Author_Date

Image size is the term given to describe the height and width of an image in pixels. Maximum image size is determined by the megapixels of a given camera.

File transfer is the process of copying or moving a file from one computer to another over a network or internet connection.

Resolution – Pixel dimension pixel dimensions measure the total number of pixels along an image’s width and height. Resolution is the fineness of detail in a bitmap image and is measured in pixels per inch.


File naming is a systematic method for naming files that will make them easier to retrieve later. A Consistent and descriptive method to allow you know the content of a fille without opening it, likewise to find and identify files even if they are no longer in their original folder.

With shorter file names , one will be able to see the full file easily. They are easier to type when one is communicating with clients or team members and faster to scan when in a hurry.

File Naming Do’s and Don’ts


  • Do use 0’s in front of single digits to preserve chronological order (e.g. 01 instead of 1)
  • Do save changes as new files
  • Do stay consistent with your naming structure
  • Do use international standard date notation (e.g. 2019-05-30)


  • Don’t use spaces or special characters except underscores and dashes
  • Don’t name files that only differ between upper and lower case
  • Don’t use words such as final, new, updated, fix, or edited

DESCRIBE 4 File formats for saving graphic and Image content for Web


  • JPeG – ‘Lossy’ compression used for Photos support full colour range
  • PNG – Lossless compression, reduce through number of colours. Graphics (icons, logos)
  • Support transparency
  • PDF – Documents – Embed Images and text, read only 
  • GIF – supports animation
  • SVG – Scalable Vector Graphic



This is a standardized lossy compression mechanism for digital images. Digital cameras compress raw photographs as JPEG images to make the file smaller in size. It’s the most common file format for photo storage. when an image is saved as JPEG some of the data of the original image is discarded to reduce the file size.


This is an image file type used to offer a clear background or a partially transparent image, and is therefore used primarily for web design.

These files are commonly used in the process of designing logos or related graphics, as the images can be replaced over another image or a separate background, shade of color or a pattern. They also tend to occupy more space than an alternative image files, such as JPEG or GIF. 

PNG, by contrasts, offer the most details possible in an image file. They support grey scale as both the 24-bit RGB and 32-bit RGBA color spaces, although they aren’t designed to be compatible with CMYK models.


By contrast, PDF files are primarily meant for viewing, not editing and can preserve document formatting, which makes them more shareable and helps them to look the same on any device.


A Gif is a lossless format for image files that supports both animated and static images. Animated Gifs are several images or frames combined into single file. They are displayed in succession with varying frame rates to create short low file size animations. Gif, by default, end on the last frame, though they are now more commonly seen looping.

GIFs are popular ion blogs, social media and instant messaging applications.


A File with SVG file extention is most likely scalable vector graphics file. Files in this format use an XML based text format to illustrate how the image should appear.

Screenshot of my file storage.


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