Legality means an act is in accordance with the law while ethics is about concepts of right and wrong behaviour. Some actions may be legal but in some people's opinion not ethical. For example, testing medicines on an animal is legal in many countries but some people believe it is not ethical. Human being is not just living being who is breathing, eating and reproducing, but they are more than that. they think, have values, have etiquettes. A person isn not only an individual but also a part of community or society due to which they are adherent to some authority. Anything being legal is directly associated with procedure, equipment, practices , languages, cultures and other concepts pertaining to the system of governmental law. Being ethical is totally an individual's choice. Ethical acts or behaviour is based on principles and values of people. It is more about being right or wrong in terms of character. Ethical standard is an abstract from nature. it is a code of co...